Reino Hayes Becker

Reino Hayes Becker

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Month 1 - Memorial Day Weekend

Auntie Mandy came to visit me on Memorial Day weekend. She came in on Thursday and Auntie Lindsey came over to visit all of us. While she was here we went for walks with Momma and Akira and we played. Friday we met my Grandy and Grandpa Becker and Jerry P at Brierwood for dinner. Daddy had been golfing all day and he introduced me to a lot of people he works with. It was a great place to go because it was loud and no one could hear me get loud!
On Sunday we met up with Auntie Danielle and Liz for brunch at Shanghai Red. It was a beautiful day and we sat outside to get some son. I tried to be good, but it was very difficult to be quiet the entire time. Everyone took turns holding me. Sometimes I fuss just to make sure that someone pays attention to me and holds me! And guess WORKS!

On Monday we ran errands all day. Those days just wear me out, I just don't know what my parents see in doing all that shopping. They say it is necessary, but I don't know what that means!

Tuesday was Auntie Mandy's last day. Josh came over and saw me for a little while. He said he forgot how small babies were! I went back to the airport again and had to say goodbye to Mandy. I'm beginning to know this airport VERY well!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Month 1 - Activities

Daddy and Momma took me to my first Cystic Fibrosis Walk on 5/17. This is an important cause that my parent support. My nephew Albert has CF. We all want to help raise money to find a cure for this horrible disease.

It was really cold and rainy out so we didn't stay long, but we did get to go see my Auntie Danielle. She works at Nichols School where my Daddy went to school. She is a coach and her team was playing LaCrosse, so Mommy and Daddy took me over to see her again.

MAY 18th - It's my 1 month birthday!!
Momma had Carrie O's baby shower for Bubba O at Wanakah in the morning, so I went with Daddy to Grandpa and Grandy's house. I slept the whole time and Grandy called me boring. When Daddy went to pick Momma up, they decided to go to Ellicottville with Grandpa and Grandy. It was my first trip out of town and it was on my 1 month birthday! I loved looking out of Grandy's sun roof in the back seat. There were lots of things to see!

We ate at a restaurant called Kabob House - Momma said it was very good. I know I will taste it later...

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Month 1 - Momma's Favorite Things

My momma is always telling me what she loves about me, here are just a few:

1 - My pouty lip.
2 - The way I raise my eyebrows in the middle of sleeping.
3 - When I am laying on top of momma and she can feel my breathing against her stomach.
4 - The way I cuddle with her.
5 - The way I cuddle with Daddy.
6 - The way I look at my grandparents.
7 - My hands and the way I can get dirt under my fingernails, like I am playing in the sandbox already!
8 - My feet and the way my middle 3 toes seem to be connected while my big toe and pinky toe do their own thing.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Week 4 - Activities

This was Momma's first week without any help. On Monday, she had a class on how to be successful pumping once she gets back to work. I slept thru the entire class! There were about 7 other babies there. I was the smallest! After class, Daddy and Momma wanted to go to lunch, so they left me with Pammycakes at the office and they went to Cinco De Mayo. I slept the entire time I was at the office! We went for a walk with Akira when we got home. Mom survived!
On Tuesday, Momma had a chiropractor appointment. I was good, but didn't sleep. When we got home, Momma took me for another walk with Akira. I like our walks thru the neighborhood!

Wednesday was a little tougher on Momma and I. We stayed at home and she realized that I like to be held! Anytime she would put me down, I would squak to make sure she would pick me up. I didn't let her get a lot done! My Big Sis Bars came over and caught Momma up on what is going on in her life and at Synacor. She held me all night - I really like her!

On Thursday our financial advisor came over for dinner to set up my 529 account. There is still a big debate on if I will go to public or private school. Daddy says private and Momma says public. Regardless - they are getting me set up to make sure I can afford it! Bruno and Kristin had just got back from their cruise in Italy. They showed us the pictures and it looked like a beautiful place I would like to go some day! Maybe Momma and Daddy will take me!
I went to my first birthday party on Friday. My parents took me all the way up to Lockport to celebrate Ron's birthday. I got to meet my future baby sitter Sydney and my future playmate Caden. He is going to teach me all sorts of bad things! I can't wait to get in trouble with him!
Overall, it was a good week, Momma only had a few meltdowns!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Week 4 - Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day! Grandpa and Grandy Becker invited us to Wanakah for brunch. It was my first visit to the club. I wore my Polo outfit. I am so small that that was the only outfit I had that fit me well. I met a lot of people at the club and I was on my best behavior!

After brunch we went back to Grandpa and Grandy's house. Grandy held me all afternoon as Daddy helped Grandpa get the pool cover off. I may not be able to play in the pool this year - but I will definitely be able to play in it next year!

After leaving Grandpa and Grandy's we went home and just hung out by ourselves. Momma put me in my swing and I took a little nap.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Week 3 - The ride home from the Airport

On the way back from dropping Grandma Hayes off at the airport - Daddy decided to take me by my Great Papa's house that I am named after. Papa passed away a few years ago, but he was so special to Daddy and Momma that they decided to name me after him. Sam Reino was his name. My parents named me Reino after him. I am the little boy with 3 last names - Reino Hayes Becker. Reino (pronounced Reno) - after my Great Papa. Hayes - after my momma's maiden name and Becker - after my Daddy!
My Great Papa was a piano player. He never took a lesson, he just knew how to play! I wish I could have seen him play! Daddy has a CD of his music and I know I will listen to it as I grow older! Everyone sees my fingers and say that I will be a piano player. I can't think of a better thing to be!
PARENT ROOKIE MISTAKE #2 - After visiting Great Papa's old place, Daddy and Mommy took me to a nursery to buy a gift certificate for Grandy's Mother's Day present. I had a little poop accident and ruined my clothes, socks and blanket. Momma didn't have any extra clothes, socks or blankets for me. She also didn't have any plastic bags in the car to put my dirty things in. So I got a new diaper and was basically a naked baby all the way home! Daddy and Momma's trip got cut short because they had to go home and get me into some clothes. And Momma was HANGRY (so hungry she was angry)...this is something that I have happen to me a LOT!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Week 3 - Grandma Hayes Visit

Grandma Hayes stayed with me for 10 days after Grandpa left. We had a great time. Each morning I spent quality time cuddling with Grandma while she had her coffee and watched the news. She helped my momma during the day. She would help burp me and change my diaper. She also took my doggy Akira for walks every day. Grandma said she loved to be up here because there are so many trees and there isn't a lot of wind. I didn't really understand what she was talking about, but my momma said that I would understand when I get bigger and I go to the farm in Kansas.

I went with Grandma and Momma to go get their pedicures. I thought the place smelled funny, but I didn't mind, I basically slept through the whole thing. After they were finished, we went to eat with my Daddy at Moe's. It's Mexican food. Momma said that they ate this every Sat while she was pregnant with me. She said that Mexican food made her feel better since I made her so sick during the 9 months.

Grandma also helped cook and clean the house while Momma was taking care of me. She made Momma's favorite - Coconut Cream Pie. I guess it is Grandpa Becker's favorite too - so he was happy to come over and eat some of it also!

Grandma went with Momma and I when we went to Momma's company - Synacor. I got to see a lot of people. I slept thru most of the visit - but I got to see where Momma works and I got to meet all the people that she spends all her time with. I felt very loved already. I wonder if she will take me to work??

We also went on our first walk in the neighborhood. I got to use the stroller that Grandpa and Grandma Hayes bought me. Aunt Gay gave me the car seat. We use that every day almost!

Sometimes my hands and arms are out of control. I love to have them up by my face. This is how my hands and arms ended up at the end of the walk. Momma says when I get older and know what I am doing, I am not allowed to do this.

Grandma thinks I am so cute with my hands near my face. She calls this one my "thinking" pose!

She also loves when I link my fingers together to hold my hands in place. She thinks I am talented because I can do this at such a young age!

We gave grandma a massage for her Mother's Day present and as a Thank You for helping take care of Momma and me for so long. So Daddy and Momma had their FIRST PARENT ROOKIE MISTAKE after we dropped her off to get the massage - they were going to run errands while she got her massage. They had to go to the Gallaria Mall and did not have a Baby Bjorn or stroller...LESSON LEARNED: Never leave the house without another method to carry a baby beyond the car seat. Both Daddy and Momma says the car seat is HEAVY!

I had my second Dr's appt the day before Grandma flew home. I didn't grow in height, but I did gain weight. I am not 8 lbs, 7oz! I have surpassed my birth weight! I also peed all over the exam room...including the nurse! Of course, Momma didn't bring in the diaper bag when we went in, so Daddy had to go get it out of the car after I had peed all over the place!

On the Grandma's last night, Grandpa and Grandy Becker, Daddy and Momma took her to their favorite restaurant - Tantulus in East Aurora. The next day we had to take Grandma to the airport. I was very sad again. I am beginning to not like the airport because we are always dropping off the special people in my life!

Week 3 - Daddy's Little Wingman

Auntie Lindsey gave me a Daddy's Little Wingman onesie. Daddy had to coach me on what a wingman is and does. At first I wasn't sure what he was talking about. So he had to break it down in a language I could understand!

But I finally understood what he was talking about and agreed to be the best little wingman possible!
Daddy was very happy! Momma wasn't so sure...

Week 3 - Babe Magnet Pep Talk

My Auntie Shelley from KC gave me a "Babe Magnet" onesie. Daddy decided that he needed to coach me on the birds and bees early because I am already a "babe magnet!"

I listened intently on all of the advice Daddy gave me because I know he knows what he is talking about. I mean, he caught Mommy didn't he?? And she is the BEST!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Week 2 - Activities and Visitors

After Grandpa Hayes left, Momma and I were tired. So we decided to take a nap with my doggy Akira! Grandma and Daddy kept telling Momma that we both needed to take it easy, so I had no issue taking lots of naps, then waking up again to eat and get my diaper changed! Momma told everyone what an angel I am! I tried to be good because I love my Momma!

Visitors for week 2 included: Both grandparents, our neighbors - Mr and Mrs Werner,

Pete, Michelle and Gabby Andolino, Sam, Jen and Spencer Puleo, Gary and Carrie Occhino and Mike and Trish.

I also took a trip over to Paglia's and met all of the Paglia family! Debbie held me the entire time I was at their house! Kelly and Alex gave me an adorable onesie and a stuffed animal! They gave Mommy and Daddy a bottle of wine...I know they appreciated that!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Week 2 - Grandpa and Grandma Hayes

Grandpa and Grandma Hayes were with me my second week. I spent lots of time with my Grandpa Hayes because he only got to stay with me for a week. He said he had to get back to Kansas to farm. My Grandma Hayes got to stay with me for 10 more days after Grandpa left. It was great to see them and have them take care of me.

Daddy and Momma and Grandpa and Grandma Hayes took me to my first restaurant - Ekl's. Grandpa Hayes wanted a fish fry and said that was the best fish fry he has ever had! I was good in the restaurant and had lots of people check me out!

One of our big activities was to give me a bath! I am not a big fan of baths right now. They make me get naked and I get cold...Brrrrr!
Grandma made it better when she wrapped me up in a warm towel though!

I also had my first visit to my Grandpa and Grandy Beckers house. They invited us all over to their house for dinner. Grandy made great chicken for everyone. I got to see pictures of all my cousins, Aunts and Uncles on my daddy's side.

I was very sad when Grandpa had to leave.
He promised he would come back soon to see me. I know Daddy and Momma are going to take me to see them in Kansas for the holidays!